Original error: Command '/bin/bash Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d' exited with code 1

I’m using: Appium command line version 1.6.0 + Xcode 8.0 + iOS 10, but when I run script with Python, I got this error:

WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Command ‘/bin/bash Scripts/bootstrap.sh -d’ exited with code 1

My appium-doctor answers:

Automation-iOS:java-neon2 user$ appium-doctor
info AppiumDoctor Appium Doctor v.1.2.5
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: Xcode is installed at: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: DevToolsSecurity is enabled.
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: The Authorization DB is set up properly.
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: The Node.js binary was found at: /usr/local/bin/node
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: Carthage was found at: /usr/local/bin/carthage
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: HOME is set to: /Users/user
WARN AppiumDoctor :heavy_multiplication_x: ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: JAVA_HOME is set to: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_77.jdk/Contents/Home
WARN AppiumDoctor :heavy_multiplication_x: adb could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor :heavy_multiplication_x: android could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor :heavy_multiplication_x: emulator could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor :heavy_multiplication_x: Bin directory for $JAVA_HOME is not set
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic completed, 5 fixes needed. ###
info AppiumDoctor
info AppiumDoctor ### Manual Fixes Needed ###
info AppiumDoctor The configuration cannot be automatically fixed, please do the following first:
WARN AppiumDoctor - Manually configure ANDROID_HOME.
WARN AppiumDoctor - Manually configure ANDROID_HOME and run appium-doctor again.
WARN AppiumDoctor - Add ‘$JAVA_HOME/bin’ to your PATH environment
info AppiumDoctor ###
info AppiumDoctor
info AppiumDoctor Bye, run appium-doctor again when all manual fixes have been applied!
info AppiumDoctor
Automation-iOS:java-neon2 user$

I think I’m just running iOS automation, no need to care Android, am I right? Anyone can give me a suggestion? Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

For anyone who met this error, just run command sudo chmod -R 777 WebDriverAgent to change the permission of Xcode, at least it works for me. :slight_smile: Closing.

Thanks for posting. It fixed my issue as well.