Overlap/Mismatch of data during swipe on android

I observe overlapping of the data when I swipe through the elements in android.
Our App has a page where list of events are displayed along with their meta data in the following format .
Querying on the page gives me incorrect data in few instances like below.
When I load the page, following is the info

  1. name : Event1
    start time : 09:30am
    end time : 10:00am
    description : Desc of event1
    status : status of event1
    actions allowed
  2. name : Event2
    start time : 10:30am
    end time : 11:00am
    description : Desc of event2
    status : status of event2
    actions allowed

When I swipe down then my screen has the following info

  1. status : status of event1
    actions allowed
  2. name : Event2
    start time : 10:30am
    end time : 11:00am
    description : Desc of event2
    status : status of event2
    actions allowed
  3. name : Event3
    start time : 11:00am
    end time : 11:30am

In this case, when I try to retrieve the values, then the values of event 1 gets overlapped with event 2.
I mean when I try to find description/end time of event 1 though its not displayed on the screen I get info of event 2 which is ‘Desc of event2/11:00am’ which is incorrect
There is no issue with event 2 data as it is completely loaded onto the screen.

Unfortunately it’s hard for me to verify whether complete event data is loaded on the screen at a given point as the data is dynamic and so is the meta data.

Would greatly appreciate any help .

Many Thanks,