Postman say;Locator Strategy 'link text' is not supported for this session

Hi everyone ,
I did a little test with java and appium, launch an app and search for an element, click, take a screenshot and it works perfectly, now I’m trying to do the same thing but with postam and appium and an error appears when I search for the element.

I’m trying sent command by postam to appium , only load the app in the first request that is ok , but when I try second request find any element the console show me “Locator Strategy ‘link text’ is not supported for this session” .

Appium desktop APP version 1.22.3
Junbo App:Sumpermercado online
My cellphone is conected by usb

the request Postman
first request working ok :
baseUrl -> http://localhost:4723/wd/hub

        "deviceName":"OPPO A16",
        "udid":"your ID",
        "appPackage": "",
        "appActivity": ""

this in test secction
let jsonData = pm.response.json();


second reques show me error (now find the element )
POST {{baseUrl}}/session/{{sessionId}}/element
body section
{“using”: “link text”, “value”: “registrarse”}

“status”: 32,
“value”: {
"message": "Locator Strategy ‘link text’ is not supported for this session"
“sessionId”: “09842f1b-1572-4292-a2fc-bdd858394aba”

any idea what is wrong ??? :sob: