Problem with ios 9.3 when autoaccept oe waitforscript are used in capabilities hybrid apps

It seems that system popups are shown earlier than app launches, and appium 1.4.3 is unable to detect popups and dismiss or accept them.

Any help ?

just add:

capabilities.setCapability("waitForAppScript","$.delay(3000); $.acceptAlert(); true;");

Well its not working, already tried it, problem is that the app is using modern webkit.

I also tried to modify alert-ext.js that would be used right button in popup, but it seems that popup appears earlier than alert-ext.js ($.acceptAlert()) is used in appium .

Any help ?

was you able to see your alert with driver.getPageSource() or you can’t even start this?

you are right, i can’t even start it, it starts only after i manually press on popup OK message