Problem with Swipe in Android App (real device) after Tosca Upgrade

Hello, I am new here and I am a begineer in the Appium Themes. After Tosca Upgrade from 14.2 on 2023.1 Swipe in Android works not.
appium Version: 2.5.4
appium-uiautomator2-driver version: 3.5.2
App starts normally, but when comes to Swipe comes Error. I need a quick solution, because it stoppt me almost total by work.
Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Technicals.SutException: The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource


bei OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.UnpackAndThrowOnError(Response errorResponse)
bei OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver.Execute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary2 parameters) bei OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.AppiumDriver1.Execute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary2 parameters) bei OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.AppiumDriver1.PerformTouchAction(ITouchAction touchAction)
bei OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.MultiTouch.TouchAction.Perform()
bei Tricentis.Automation.Remoting.Mobile30.PerformsTouchActionsExtensions.Swipe(IPerformsTouchActions driver, Int32 startx, Int32 starty, Int32 endx, Int32 endy, Int32 duration)
bei Tricentis.Common.Helpers.Aspects.TargetInvocationHandlingAspectAttribute.OnException(MethodExecutionArgs args)
bei Tricentis.Common.Helpers.ReflectionExtension.InvokeInternal[T](Object target, String methodName, T& returnValue, Object parameters)
bei Tricentis.Common.Helpers.ReflectionExtension.Invoke[T](Object target, String methodName, Object parameters)
bei Tricentis.Automation.Remoting.ReflectingServer.HandleTransactionTask(InvokeVoidMethodTransactionTask transactionTask, Object target)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Technicals.RemoteObjectManager1.ExecuteTask(String taskUid, TransactionPart part) at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Technicals.RemoteObjectManager1.InvokeVoidMethodWithoutRefresh(ITechnical onObject, String name, Object parameters)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.Technicals.RemoteObjectManager`1.InvokeVoidMethod(ITechnical onObject, String name, Object parameters)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.SpecialExecutionTasks.SwipeOnScreen.Swipe(IMobileDeviceTechnical device)
at Tricentis.Automation.Engines.SpecialExecutionTasks.SwipeOnScreen.Execute(ISpecialExecutionTaskTestAcmethod that is not supported by the mapped resource

Unfortunately, I don’t know what is ‘mapped resource’. I am thankfull for any kind of help.

This might be a duplicate of Unhandled endpoint: /session/A1804522-69EA-4741-A1F2-D73744F02462/touch/perform · Issue #19791 · appium/appium · GitHub
Since v3 of uia2 and v7 of xcutest drivers touch actions were removed as obsolete. Only W3C actions or gesture shortcuts are supported.

You have two options there: either wait until Tosca is updated to support W3C actions or temporarily downgrade uia2 driver to v2.

Hello Mykola, thank you very much for your answer. I will with downgrade try and let you know, if it works. Sorry for late answer. I was out of job for a few days. Thank you again.
Best regards

Hello again,
I have one more question. My automation server is on MAC. Universal ADB Driver 2.0 is for Windows or?

A problem is solved. Downgrade on [email protected] helped. Notice: Driver “uiautomator2” (package ‘appium-uiautomator2-driver’) may be incompatible with the current version of Appium (v2.5.4) due to an invalid or missing peer dependancy on Appium. Please ask the developer of ‘appium-uiautomator2-driver’ to add a peer dependency on ‘^[email protected]’.