Problems running example test ios_simple

Hi there,

first of all: I’m new to Appium and also new to testing.

I want to run the example test ios_simple for the example test app TestApp.
I want to run this test with python.
I got the examples from the git repository from the official Appium website.

Current setup:

  • MAC OS El Capitan
  • xCode 7.2.1
  • Appium GUI (how do I check the version here?)
  • python 2.7.10

What I do so far is:

  1. I start the Appium GUI
  2. I launch the Appium server by GUI
  3. I start the example test script by terminal python

This is the error that I receive:


  • How do I solve this?
  • Have I missed the installation of any tool/program?
  • Whats about selenium?
  • Whats about appium-python-client?
  • Do I have to start xCode? What do I have to do there?
  • Have I missed any hidden configuration setting, e.g. enable UI automation or grant Appium access to iOS simulator?
  • Do I have to own any special developer privileges?
  • Do I have to build the TestApp for debug? Because what I choose is the default TestApp from GIT repository and it is saved in a release folder…

If any of the previous issues hit, please explain me detailed! Thank you very much.

This show the configuration of my Appium server: