Really slow performance on Android

I test the same application on Android and iOS and the same test case run on iOS takes 1:30min but on Andorid almost 6 min. I tried to change automationName from default to UiAutomator2, Espresso also I cannot use executeScript because its native app. Any idea how I can speed up testing on android?
Run application on real device and emulator and there is no difference in time
I use appium in version 1.21.0 and run driver in c# code.

try reduce idle timeout ->

I change idle to 100ms but it didn’t help. I check times and for example, find an element takes 1,5s but then click about 6-7 seconds

Why click? Use touch

Use touch increase time to 6:32min

turn off animations on android

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Aamek, can you try running the Android tests on 1.19.1 and let me know your results? I’m currently looking into issues we see on 1.20.0 and above (specifically seeing slowness / incorrect results in appium-uiautomator2-server)

Also what are all your capabilities you’re using? (Turns out we were enabling Ignore Unimportant Views which was breaking a bunch of our finds)

I am having similar slowness issues on android using appium desktop client 1.21.0 and appium java client - 7.5.1. It happens on apps that uses prismic pages which has either an image or an image in the form of animation. Does anyone know a solution to handle this slowness and make it run faster?

In our case, we were using firmware that interacts with our Android app using bluetooth communication. Sometimes a few firmwares were being detected at a time, causing significant slowing of tests. We came up with a solution to create a bluetooth whitelist which would only detect the required firmware device. This completely solved our problems.

Did you find any solution for this? Same issue for me with the animation on the view. Android is taking time compare to ios with automation testing.

try to modify waitForIdleTimeout and to set appium:disableWindowAnimation to true

Hi, I’m running Appium test for Android phone in .NET 6.0 (NetCore) and it’s so slow. I tried downloading the “Appium DemoApp” (.Net.Framework) and it’s super snappy.
So, I added a test in the “Appium Demo App”, using “our” Mobile App and then accessing an “element” and that too was very snappy. Then I copied the source code, from the “csharp” project in the “Appium Demo App” into a new solution and project, using NetCore (NET 6.0), resolved missing referenses and ran it. It was just as slow as our initial project. So, it looks like running Appium tests in NetCore (NET 6.0) adds a delay of about 2 seconds to each call to the phone (finding and interactin with elements in the App). Has anyone else experienced this slowness?

None of the other suggestions given here (or in any other thread I have ooked in) has helped so far.

Also, I was using AppiumServerGUI 1.22.? (Can’t see the version in the GUI anywhere).
The Appium.WebDriver (Name in “Net.Core”) is version 4.4.0
The Appium.NET (Name in “Net.Framework”) is version (after upgrading from original

Might be this issue:

Yes, that did it :slight_smile:
Thanks for the tip!

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What did it? Can you please help?
This is the desired Capabilities I am Using
class Configs:
caps = {}
caps[“platformName”] = “Android”
caps[“appium:automationName”] = “UIAutomator2”
caps[“appium:platformVersion”] = “7.0”
caps[“appium:app”] = “C:/saral_android_automation/Resources/SaralApp.apk”
caps[“appium:deviceName”] = “DemoDevice01”
caps[“appium:noReset”] = True
caps[“appium:ensureWebviewsHavePages”] = True
caps[“appium:nativeWebScreenshot”] = True
caps[“appium:newCommandTimeout”] = 3600
caps[“appium:connectHardwareKeyboard”] = True

I am trying to fill in a form and the process is taking around 17 mins, the form is fairly simple with around 40 input fields, there are around 200 events taking place.

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what more can we do to speedup