Regarding app caching when using AWS S3 presigned URLs


The AWS S3 presigned URL is in the format of “https://address/bucket/filename.extension?presignedquery…”
and allows GET requests using the ETag. However, in Appium, the entire URL including the query is used as the cache key, making the caching functionality useless. It seems like using only the key up to “https://address/bucket/filename.extension”(without query) might work…
Do you have any good ideas?
Thank you.

I think this is a good idea to exclude the query part from the cache key. Please create a feature request

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Hello @1195
I have prepared a PR at feat(base-driver): Make addition of search query params to cache keys optional by mykola-mokhnach · Pull Request #20195 · appium/appium · GitHub
The behavior is now controlled with the APPIUM_APPS_CACHE_IGNORE_URL_QUERY environment variable. Could you please help with testing?

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Verified that it works well and can be turned on and off depending on the environment settings in version 2.9.
Thank you.

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