Remote Mac Appium real IOS Device connecting up

I recently was able to get Appium going on Android with Appium using Visual Studio all installed on my PC and a Real Android Device. I wish to now do the same with an IOS Device. I have a Remote Mac MacinCloud that is paired to my Visual Studio we run the MAC but do not have Admin rights and I am trying to setup the same Appium from my PC to use Custom Serve for the Mac(not sure if this is possible) I have put in Remote Host Remote Port and Remote path. The remote path would need to lead me to somewhere where I can put in a Username/Password and then navigate to the simulator or if that’s far enough access my iPhone connected to my PC. When running start Inspector App session.
I see Error could not connect to server are you sure its running?
I know its running I see it. I saw some info close to this but not explained very well. I am not too strong when It comes to IOS. Thanks in Advance.