Reporting in Jenkins for the Ruby/Cucumber Stack - SOLVED

Hey there,
I know I just posted on a different topic just earlier.
We’re switching to running everything (App builds under test, automation test runs) to Jenkins.

I have everything running pretty well there, and I even make use of the default html reporting in the cucumber.yml file.

Goal: I’d like to investigate if Jenkins has any cucumber ruby plugins that I can leverage so I could have the reports immediately available within the jenkins job after the test run completes.

The cucumber_test_report plugin I saw looked promising. However, it looked more for the cucumber_jvm framework, not cucumber ruby.

Any help much appreciated.

You could get the cucumber report generated as a json using “–format json” and then have the plugin create the fancy report for you. Hope this helps.

Thanks Sreeram, that does help!
I tried the Cucumber Test Report plugin alongside the --format json but for some reason I had trouble with jenkins reading that out.

I reverted to an acceptable approach - albeit with several other steps.

  1. I stay with the --format html and generate an html file.
  2. In the jenkins job itself, I have a previous set of steps that puts the name of the HTML file in #1 as an environment variable (I call it LOG_FILE)
  3. Then I execute rake to start appium cucumber.
  4. Then I have a post build action to publish the HTML report. It prints a nice page right inside the job and at the project summary.
    I needed 2 plugins:
    Environment Injector
    HTML Publisher

Probably more steps than the --format json, but I got things working.
Thanks for your help!

@shermaneric Can you please share the steps for implementing it. Currently I am generating the html report through Html runner. Now I just want to publish the report as part of the builds. Your help would be much appreciated!
