Return Value of send_keys function in Python :)

Dear All,

I’m using python-Appium to test our Android App.

In our App, Mobile Number field expects 10 digits.

I need to pass 9 digits to Mobile Number field, Click on Submit button, Capture the validation error.

My Question:

  1. How to capture the Return Value of send_keys
  2. How to capture the Validation Error shown on the Screen

am using
wrong_mobile_no = “9848022338”
phone_number_button_id = driver.find_element_by_id(“et_phone_number”)
send_9_numbers = phone_number_button_id.send_keys(wrong_mobile_no)

My Specs:
Android 7
Python 2.7
Appium Desktop Server 1.15.1
Appium-Python-Client (0.50)
I searched the Forum topics & didn’t find this issue.

Hence, Adding this.

Help, much appreciated. :grinning:

Today, is May 9’th
Greetings on occasion of Birthdays of 3 Indian Heros’
Maha Rana Pratap the Great
Gopala Krishna Gokhale &
Dr A N Krishna Rao