Robot Framework throws KeyError: 'Platform Name' - Appium

Hi Friends
I am learning how to use Appium with Robot Framework. My Test case is to login and logout a Gmail webpage in Chrome using a Samsung mobile, with Android version 4.4.2.
Web page is launched successfully - but while entering the username, I am faced with an issue of:

Keyerror: ‘Platform Name’.
SW version:

Appium Version - 1.4.16
Robot Frame work Version - 3.0

Below is my Robot code I am using:

*** settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary
Resource D:\Resource.txt

*** Test Cases ***
Login into Gmail Account
Open Browser to Login Gmail
Login Details

*** Keywords ***
Open Browser to Login Gmail

 Open Application  platformName=Android  platformVersion=4.4.2  deviceName=42034dbac8074100  automationName=appium
 Go To Url
 Sleep    5
 #Wait Until Page Contains    ${loginID}

Login Details
Input Text ${loginID} ${UserNameValue}
Click Element ${Next}
Input Password ${Password} ${PwdValue}

Which results in the error:

KeyError: ‘platformName’

I’m experiencing this as well, using an Open Application line that works great with iOS values. I’ve swapped out platformName, deviceName, etc. with Android values directly from the SauceLabs configurator… and I’m getting KeyError: ‘platformName’ after the browser opens on Android emulator.

Did anyone ever figure out the secret?