Ruby on Rails: Configuration with Appium

I am new to Ruby on Rails. I have installed ruby, rails server and appium. Now I am trying to configure both and run sample android application on windows OS. I am following link. I have set application path to the apk file which is placed in same folder as appium.txt. When I start my appium by clicking launch button, and run arc command in the console, it gives me runtime error that unable to connect appium. Is the server running? in driver.rb file. Please help me to solve this error.

Maybe you have wrong port? Can you ping/telnet appium?

Could you please provide your Ruby code?

okay thanks. I will post it there.

I have not written any test script yet, I am just trying to run my android app through ruby first using appium. I have only edited the appium.txt file to access my android app. It works properly. But then I do not know where can I write the test case for the Android app using ruby.