SafariLauncher Issue on real IOS device

iPhone 5s - Real Device
iOS - 9.3.2
Browser - Safari
Appium 1.5.3

I am experiencing an issue with instruments crashing during startup. This only happens when I specify the “browserName” capability as “Safari” AND I am testing against a physical device.

I have built the SafariLauncher app and I am able to run the app on my device. The app works properly (pauses for 2 seconds before automatically opening Safari). If I do not specify a browserName capability appium will install my signed SafariLauncher app successfully and open Safari, however once Safari is open my IOSDriver does not seem to be interacting with the Safari browser as nothing else happens (Safari opens and stays on

If however I am testing against my physical device AND I set the “browserName” capability to “Safari” my test will fail before SafariLauncher ever opens with the error “Original error: We exceeded the number of retries allowed for instruments to successfully start; failing launch”. In addition, I have noticed that appium replaces my signed version of the SafariLauncher app with what seems to be an older non-functioning version of the app (Does not display the text at the bottom showing it is pausing for the 2 seconds and does not automatically open Safari). While looking in the appium logs I see that Instruments is also reporting "[debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] Instruments Usage Error: Specified target process is invalid: com.bytearc.SafariLauncher. Instruments exists with error code 255.

I am not sure why when I specify the browserName as Safari all of sudden appium is no longer using my signed version of the SafariLauncer app. And where this version of the SafariLauncher app is coming from I have no idea.