Salesforce1 Simulator Installed on Chrome browser as Apps

Hi All,
I am new to Appium, installed Appium SetUP on My windows 10 machine. I am able to identify objects on Real andriod device ( Android ) and execute scripts .

Example of Test case : Install Amazon apk file on real device and login .

Now My requirement is to perform test using “Salesforce1 Simulator” Installed on Chrome browser. Please let me know on below Roadblocks.

  1. Desired capabilities to use to execute test on “Salesforce1 Simulator” Installed on Chrome browser as APPS
  2. How to identify elements (Locators) on “Salesforce1 Simulator” Installed on Chrome browser . ( Note : I am able to use UIautomation viewer to identify apps installed on Andriod device, but here scope is on “Salesforce1 Simulator” Installed on Chrome browser )

Thanks and Regards,