I have created a web application for mobile. i want to test it using appium. i am using python client of appium. In this i want appium to click on a link which may not be on the current screen. We may have to scroll down and click. The position of the link is dynamic and depends on the other content. So i want to scroll until that element is visible on the screen and click on the link. For achieving this i tried following
driver.execute_script(“mobile: scrollTo”, {“element”: element_to_click.id}). but that didnt work. Can somebody help me in achieve this.
Hi !
look this ! public void scrollElementoWeb(def params){
MobileElement element = Elementos.find(params, Driver.driver);
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) Driver.driver;
int x = element.getLocation().getX();
int y = element.getLocation().getY();
js.executeScript("window.scrollBy(" + x + "," + y + ")", "");
}catch(Exception e){
}catch(Exception f){
assert false,"No se pudo realizar scroll en la pagina web en el elemento ${params."Tipo ID"}:'${params.ID}'. ${f}"
try running this script ! this is groovy but the js functions is the key!