When i tried using scrollTo in iOS webView,got the below error message
ElementsAction.driver.swipe(622, 693,606, 258, (int) 0.5);
“Not yet implemented. Please help us: http://appium.io/get-involved.html (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Command duration or timeout: 6 milliseconds”
Appium Logs:
info: [debug] Responding to client that a method is not implemented
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session/9fdbe097-6b7d-491e-ac3e-bd03a88fae59/touch/perform 501 0.961 ms - 158
My requirement:
Need to scroll until a element is found and should click on it,in webView,in java.
I believe driver.scrollTo(“Policy”); is enough instead of ElementsAction.driver.scrollTo(“Policy”);
and have a try with scrollToExact(“Policy”); also.
1)Have you ever tried with Co-Ordinates…?
driver.swipe(int x,int y ,…);
2)If it doesn’t work with scrollTo() then go with swipe with element… IOSElement element = (IOSElement) driver.findElement(locator); element.swipe(SwipeElementDirection.DOWN);
(Note: you can use MobileElement instead of IOSElement and please make sure that element should be displayed).
Using native_app context here, and I still get the message “Not yet implemented” when trying to scroll left/right with javascript executor.
In our case, we cannot scroll to text because it is a horizontal row of images buttons with no text. I just need to scroll to last item listed on the far right.
Using latest appium 1.4.1 and java client 2.2.0.
Am I doing something wrong?
Using doc provided via the docs:
Of course with my own different coordinate points, but pretty much directly as per the doc.
Actually I don’t have any error message. It just do nothing about it.
The top of the cell can be seen for like 20%, does Appium interprets that like “no need to scroll, it’s already displayed”?