scrollTo: search by id

I’m working on Android app UI testing, I’m doing a UI text validation now, I really think it’s useful if scrollTo method or relative method can scroll to an element or location searched by id.

Because text on app can be changed more often than elements’ id, say I changed the language of the app, the text changes but id remains the same. It would be handy if we can scrollTo an element by id than do a text comparison, this also saves our effort to do a swipe while trying to find hidden elements (elements that are out of current screen).

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I’d second that suggestion. I’d like to see a general scrollTo method that would allow you to specify the object to search for, as well as accepting an array of values instead of just one value. This would allow us to search for multiple items with one pass through the list instead of multiple passes.

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That would be even better, I’m wondering if devs of Appium had taken into consideration or working on this issues, find hidden elements on Android is painful.

I would also say a +1 on this thought

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