Seek Bar in IOS

Here i want to move seek bar in IOS.
so how to move seek Bar.
here i am using below method for IOS
TouchAction sliderChk = act.longPress(sliderMove, xAxisStartPoint, yAxis, 1500).moveTo(xAxisEndPoint - 1, yAxis).release().perform();

using above method we are unable to move seek bar

for Android we are using
TouchAction sliderChk =, yAxis).waitAction(300).moveTo(xAxisEndPoint - 1, yAxis).release().perform();

for android its working fine

For IOS we are facing issue unable to move seeker
Please suggest

I really don’t know if its a bug in IOSDriver or java client that any kind of scrolling,swiping does not work with coordinates in IOS, but it works if u pass complete WebElement to these methods like swipe and touch action classes

WebElement fromWebElement = driver.findElementByAccessibilityID(“from-element-content-desc-text)”;
WebElement toWebElement = driver.findElementByAccessibilityID(“to-element-content-desc-text)”;
TouchAction sliderChk = act.longPress(fromWebElement).moveTo(toWebElement).release().perform();

fromWebElement and toWebElement how to take value of these two webelement according to my image screen shot.

i am taking xpath of red marked part

Xpath of 0% and 50% are different
I have to move by 10% only , so how to do?
xAxisStartPoint =68