Sendkeys not actually putting text on textarea field - iOS / Safari / Appium

For a webpage’s mobile version. It has a text area with a word counter, sendkeys() visually puts the text. but the word counter is still zero, and as soon as I click on another field, mentioned textarea’s goes blank.
I already tried using javascript, same result , visually gets filled but goes blank when going to another field.

Same webpage’s mobile version works fine on Android + Chrome.

Tap first on input then
1 try send now
2 try

new Actions(driver).sendKeys(“your text”).perform();

Thanks for the reply. I tried the following:

  1. Click the element first, then sendKeys(), no luck
  2. Click the element then this:
    from appium import webdriver
    from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
    #Initial code to get to the web page
    actions = ActionChains(driver)
    actions.send_keys(“text to send”)
    and I got this error:
    It is mandatory to have at least one gesture item defined for each action. Action with id ‘mouse’ contains none" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=It is mandatory to have at least one gesture item defined for each action. Action with id ‘mouse’ contains none}

just Actions should be

Probably should’ve mentioned first, my bad. I’m using python, do you know which import I should do to use Actions? Here it says its ActionChains

yes. not much examples. checked here
ActionChains looks like more touch actions.

Would you mind sharing the code to import to use Actions? I could not find it on the repo you shared.