Sendkeys types the wrong string on Nexus 6 Running Android 6.1.1

I am trying use driver.sendKeys to an element text box on Nexus 6 Running Android 6.1.1
The Actual URL that I am trying to enter is
The URL that is entered after command is executed is

I have tested on other devices like Lenovo Vibe P1 and Moto X running Lollypop and the URL is entered correctly there.

Please let me know how to solve this problem.

@akishore.planon try changing your Auto-Correction setting from Language & Input Setting

try to clear edit box, then do send keys.

@auto-geek - Thankyou now it works the problem was with Auto Corrections :smile:

@Priyank_Shah Thank you for the reply driver.sendkeys by default does clear and then enters the text.

@akishore.planon Cheers ! :smile:

Just encountered the same problem, on android, SendKeys typed my string randomly wrong at each run, and disabling autocorrect did not help (HTC_ONE) so i recommend you install default Google Keyboard from Play Store and set it as default, this worked for me on multiple devices for the same issue.


Hi @Testerescu , Actually we don’t need a hardware/software keyboard in automation. If you want to send text to your edit text, click on it, hide keyboard if appears and then use sendKeys. Please refer and links