Hello dear friends,
Have some problem:
Macos 10.15.7 Catalina (mac mini)
Appium 1.18.3
node v12.18.1
npm 6.14.5
- Installed the appium by npm install -g appium
- installed dependencies ./Scripts/bootstrap.sh
- added sing cert developer to xcode
- When i opened WebDriverAgentRunner (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent)
- Real or simulator device the same problem
- Products > Test
- Then i try to get status from device by IP**status**
There i get âsessionIdâ : null
No errors in logs
Warning: Error creating LLDB target at path â/Users/User/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ciegwgvxzxdrqthilmrmczmqvrgu/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner.appâ- using an empty LLDB target which can cause slow memory reads from remote devices.
2020-10-23 22:39:14.394499+0300 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[51747:261042] Running testsâŚ
Test Suite âAll testsâ started at 2020-10-23 22:39:40.289
Test Suite âWebDriverAgentRunner.xctestâ started at 2020-10-23 22:39:40.350
Test Suite âUITestingUITestsâ started at 2020-10-23 22:39:40.351
t = nans Suite Set Up
Test Case â-[UITestingUITests testRunner]â started.
t = 0.00s Start Test at 2020-10-23 22:39:41.233
t = 0.09s Set Up
2020-10-23 22:39:41.357220+0300 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[51747:261042] Built at Oct 23 2020 22:34:03
2020-10-23 22:39:41.707255+0300 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[51747:261042] ServerURLHere-><-ServerURLHere
2020-10-23 22:39:41.716290+0300 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[51747:262574] Using singleton test manager
2020-10-23 23:00:12.296176+0300 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[51747:279728] [default] LaunchServices: disconnect event interruption received for service com.apple.lsd.mapdb
âvalueâ : {
âmessageâ : âWebDriverAgent is ready to accept commandsâ,
âstateâ : âsuccessâ,
âosâ : {
âtestmanagerdVersionâ : 28,
ânameâ : âiOSâ,
âsdkVersionâ : â14.0â,
âversionâ : â14.1â
âiosâ : {
âsimulatorVersionâ : â14.1â,
âipâ : â192.168.1.58â
âreadyâ : true,
âbuildâ : {
âtimeâ : âOct 23 2020 22:34:03â,
âproductBundleIdentifierâ : âcom.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunnerâ
âsessionIdâ : null
Hope for any ideas or help,