Should the driver.Context function in C# return in the path /wd/hub/session/{sessionid}/contexts?

Should the driver.Context function in C# return in the path /wd/hub/session/{sessionid}/contexts?

When I try to switch to context webview from visual studio it throws me an HTTP error, in the console there is [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/f5cc0273-e548-4d8a-bec1-2a77a380b24c/contexts
[HTTP] {“name”: “”}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/f5cc0273-e548-4d8a-bec1-2a77a380b24c/contexts
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/f5cc0273-e548-4d8a-bec1-2a77a380b24c/contexts 404 3 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/3622d733-c9c2-497b-800d-389c22a75df5/timeouts

As I do it from the appium inspector it works because the context at the end returns contexts and not context

image is corretct

please help, I am standing still because of this

Try to report it as a bug to the client:
Also make sure you use the most recent version of the client

What is the dotnet client version you are using?