Swipe does NOT work in Appium 1.6.0(beta3)

Appium 1.6.0(beta 3) + Xcode 8.0 + iOS 10 + Appium-Python-Client(0.22).

APP type:
Hybird app.

/#swipe from (300, 600) to (300, 300)

[HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/6e3adf66-4ea9-420f-88d4-006de9758d53/touch/perform {“sessionId”:“6e3adf66-4ea9-420f-88d4-006de9758d53”,“actions”:[{“action”:“press”,“options”:{“y”:600,“x”:300}},{“action”:“wait”,“options”:{“ms”:1000}},{“action”:“moveTo”,“options”:{“y”:-300,“x”:0}},{“action”:“release”,“options”:{}}]}
[MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.performTouch() with args: [[{“action”:“press”,“options”:{“y”:600,“x”:300}},{“action”:“wait”,“options”:{“ms”:1000}},{“action”:“moveTo”,“options”:{“y”:-300,“x”:0}},{“action”:“release”,“options”:{}}],“6e3adf66-4ea9-420f-88d4-006de9758d53”]
[debug] [XCUITest] Executing command ‘performTouch’
[JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /uiaTarget/0/dragfromtoforduration] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/020F8D4A-6114-420C-AC83-3EC9E369569E/uiaTarget/0/dragfromtoforduration] with body: {“fromX”:300,“fromY”:600,“toX”:300,“toY”:300,“duration”:1}
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…

It keeps “Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…”, no stop, and page surely shows no swipe effect.

Can someone give any suggestion? Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Even i am facing the same issue
GlobalParameters: Init the variable successfully
Value = 0
Value =
Value = Not Set the Data
Value =
Value =
Value = 0
Value = false
Value =
Value =
Value = 0
Value =
Value = 0
Value =
Value =
Value =
Value =
Value = 0
Value =
Value =
Value = 0
Value =
Value =
Value = 0
Value = false
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory exists /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 SuiteRunner [INFO] /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata test data exists
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] File exists /Users/slinger/Downloads/Test.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 SuiteRunner [INFO] /Users/slinger/Downloads/Test.xml suite exists and added successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 SuiteRunner [INFO] All the suites are added successfully and starting the execution soon
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] Directory is deleted successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 SAFEInitialization [INFO] Test base path in environment variable is /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 SAFEInitialization [INFO] SAFEInitialization is null so creating an SAFEInitialization object
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Object repository path is /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//objectrepository//ObjectRepository.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Framework setup path is /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//config//FrameworkSetup.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Global test data path is /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//testcase//GlobalTestdata.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Global test data path is /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//testcase//GlobalSetvalues.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Test script data path is /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//testcase
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] File exists /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//objectrepository//ObjectRepository.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] File exists /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//config//FrameworkSetup.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] File exists /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//testcase//GlobalTestdata.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 FileUtils [INFO] File exists /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata//testcase//GlobalSetvalues.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] All the test data files exist
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] ObjectRepoRootnode is set successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] frameworkSetupRootnode is set successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] globalTestdataRootnode is set successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] globalSetValuesRootnode is set successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] setGlobalValues - Setting the global values
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “captureAppPath<->/Users/slinger/Documents/consoleCaptureNew/studio-capture-console-app/app_ctrl/build/temp/”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “videoFilesPath<->/Users/slinger/Documents/videos/”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “colorVideoFilesPath<->/Users/slinger/Documents/videos/colorVideos/”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “referenceImagePath<->/Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar/referenceImages/”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “captureScriptPath<->/Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “exportCmd<->export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Users/slinger/Desktop/studio-capture-console-app/studio-ios-capture/StudioShared/third-party/thrift/0.9.2/platform/macos/lib:/Users/slinger/Desktop/studio-capture-console-app/studio-ios-capture/StudioShared/third-party/qt/5.5/platform/macos/lib:/Users/slinger/Desktop/studio-capture-console-app/studio-ios-capture/StudioShared/third-party/ffmpeg/2.8.4/platform/macos/lib/”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “1080p60<->Ultra60 (1080p60)”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “1080p30<->Ultra30 (1080p30)”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “mobile960i30<->Sports (720p60)”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “television720p30<->Television (720p HD at 30 fps, 3.6 GB/hour storage)”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “television1080p30<->Television (1080p HD at 30 fps, 3.6 GB/hour storage)”
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Set the key-value “720p60<->Studio (720p HD at 60 fps, 7.2 GB/hour storage)”
Value = Not Set the Data
Key = colorVideoFilesPath
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/videos/colorVideos/
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support/testdata
Value = 0
Value =
Key = captureAppPath
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/consoleCaptureNew/studio-capture-console-app/app_ctrl/build/temp/
Value =
Key = exportCmd
Value = export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Users/slinger/Desktop/studio-capture-console-app/studio-ios-capture/StudioShared/third-party/thrift/0.9.2/platform/macos/lib:/Users/slinger/Desktop/studio-capture-console-app/studio-ios-capture/StudioShared/third-party/qt/5.5/platform/macos/lib:/Users/slinger/Desktop/studio-capture-console-app/studio-ios-capture/StudioShared/third-party/ffmpeg/2.8.4/platform/macos/lib/
Key = television1080p30
Value = Television (1080p HD at 30 fps, 3.6 GB/hour storage)
Value =
Value = 0
Key = 1080p60
Value = Ultra60 (1080p60)
Value =
Value = 0
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support//ATU Reporter
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar_ios10Support//test-output
Value = 0
Value = false
Value = 0
Value =
Value =
Value = false
Key = television720p30
Value = Television (720p HD at 30 fps, 3.6 GB/hour storage)
Key = 720p60
Value = Studio (720p HD at 60 fps, 7.2 GB/hour storage)
Value = 0
Key = referenceImagePath
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar/referenceImages/
Value =
Key = 1080p30
Value = Ultra30 (1080p30)
Key = mobile960i30
Value = Sports (720p60)
Value =
Value =
Key = videoFilesPath
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/videos/
Key = captureScriptPath
Value = /Users/slinger/Documents/Jitu/workspace/safe_Avatar
Value =
Value = 0
Value =
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - IOS Phone DA APPS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - APPLICATION_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - APPLICATION_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /Users/slinger/Desktop/Dish-iPad.app
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - VERSION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - VERSION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 6.12.0
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - TESTER_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - TESTER_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - SATHISH DS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PACKAGE_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PACKAGE_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - com.dishnetwork.DANY-Mobile
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - ACTIVITY_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - ACTIVITY_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - com.sm.SlingGuide.Dish.DishLoginActivity
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - ID
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - ID
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - IOS_PHONE_01
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PLATFORM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPLICATION_PARAM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PLATFORM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - IOS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - mail.echostar.com
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - FROM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - FROM
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - [email protected]
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - TO
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - TO
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - [email protected]
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - CC
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - CC
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - [email protected]
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - SUBJECT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - SUBJECT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - Test Reports
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - BEFORE_SUITE_MAIL
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - BEFORE_SUITE_MAIL
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 1
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - AFTER_SUITE_MAIL
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - EMAIL_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - AFTER_SUITE_MAIL
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 1
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - HOST
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - HOST
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - btcvtg.slingmedia.com
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PORT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PORT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 3306
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - USERNAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - USERNAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - slinger
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PASSWORD
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PASSWORD
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - sling123
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - DB_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DB_SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - DB_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - safe_database
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - HOST
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - HOST
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is -
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PORT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - PORT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 4723
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - APPIUM_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - APPIUM_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /Applications/Appium.app/Contents/Resources/node/bin/node
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - APPIUMJS_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - APPIUMJS_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /usr/local/bin/appium
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - ADB_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - ADB_PATH
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - D:\Sling_Automation\Mobile_DA_Automation\adt\sdk\platform-tools
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - WIFI_EXECUTION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - WIFI_EXECUTION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - false
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - XCODE_CONFIG_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - XCODE_CONFIG_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Config.xcconfig
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - DEVICE_LOGGER_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - APPIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - DEVICE_LOGGER_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /usr/local/lib/node_modules/deviceconsole/deviceconsole
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - BROWSER_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - BROWSER_NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - firefox
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - IE_DRIVER_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - IE_DRIVER_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - F:\SAFE_FOLDERS\SeleniumDrivers\IEDriverServer.exe
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - CHROME_DRIVER_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - CHROME_DRIVER_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - F:\SAFE_FOLDERS\SeleniumDrivers\chromedriver.exe
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - OS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - SELENIUM-SERVER
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - OS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - MAC
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - IP
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - IP
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is -
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - OS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - OS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - IOS
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - VERSION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - VERSION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 10.1
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - UDID
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - UDID
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - DEVICE
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - NAME
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - iPad
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - TEST_OUTPUT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - REPORTS_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - TEST_OUTPUT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - REPORTS_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /Users/slinger/Desktop/temp
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - TEST_OUTPUT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - TEMP_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - TEST_OUTPUT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - TEMP_LOCATION
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - /Users/slinger/Desktop/temp
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - RETRY_TEST
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - RETRY_COUNT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] configParamName - RETRY_TEST
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] inputKeyName - RETRY_COUNT
2016-12-10 16:10:04 46 XmlDriver [INFO] Available value is - 1
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 ExecutionListener [INFO] TestNG is going to start
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 FileUtils [INFO] Date time string format is 2016_12_10-16-10-06
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 FileUtils [INFO] Could not create the directory please check “/Users/slinger/Desktop/temp” exists /Users/slinger/Desktop/temp//TEST_RUN_2016_12_10-16-10-06
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 FileUtils [INFO] Could not create the directory please check “/Users/slinger/Desktop/temp//TEST_RUN_2016_12_10-16-10-06” exists /Users/slinger/Desktop/temp//TEST_RUN_2016_12_10-16-10-06//SuiteReports
[TestNG] Running:

2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 SuiteListener [INFO] Starting suite Test execution
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 SuiteListener [INFO] Suite name Test
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 SuiteListener [INFO] Suite path /Users/slinger/Downloads/Test.xml
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 SuiteListener [INFO] Total no of tests 1
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 SuiteListener [INFO] Test names
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 SuiteListener [INFO] S06_OpnPrjct4CapturePreviewOuputClosePrjct
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Appium server is not running so starting to run soon
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Creating appium server batch file
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Appium location /Applications/Appium.app/Contents/Resources/node/bin/node
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Appium server IP
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Appium server port 4723
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Appium server java script path /usr/local/bin/appium
2016-12-10 16:10:06 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Executed the appium server command successfully
2016-12-10 16:10:07 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:08 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:09 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
[Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.6.2
[Appium] Non-default server args:
[Appium] address: ‘’
[Appium] backendRetries: 6
[Appium] sessionOverride: true
[Appium] localTimezone: true
[Appium] logNoColors: true
[Appium] safari: true
[Appium] showIOSLog: true
[Appium] Deprecated server args:
[Appium] --show-ios-log => --default-capabilities ‘{“showIOSLog”:true}’
[Appium] Default capabilities, which will be added to each request unless overridden by desired capabilities:
[Appium] showIOSLog: true
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
2016-12-10 16:10:10 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:11 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:12 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:13 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:14 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:15 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:16 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:17 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:18 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:19 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:20 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:21 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:22 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:23 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:24 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:25 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:26 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Waiting appium server to come up
2016-12-10 16:10:26 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Loading the following IOS capabilities
2016-12-10 16:10:26 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] deviceName iPad
2016-12-10 16:10:26 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] device IOS
2016-12-10 16:10:26 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] device version 10.1
2016-12-10 16:10:26 46 IOSDriverAPI [INFO] Package name is com.dishnetwork.DANY-Mobile
[HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“app”:"/Users/slinger/Desktop/Dish-iPad.app",“showIOSLog”:true,“newCommandTimeout”:480000,“realDeviceLogger”:"/usr/local/lib/node_modules/deviceconsole/deviceconsole",“platformVersion”:“10.1”,“bundleId”:“com.dishnetwork.DANY-Mobile”,“automationName”:“XCUITest”,“xcodeConfigFile”:"/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Config.xcconfig",“udid”:“5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1”,“platformName”:“iOS”,“deviceName”:“iPad”}}
[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{“app”:"/Users/slinger/Desktop/Dish-iPad.app",“showIOSLog”:true,“newCommandTimeout”:480000,“realDeviceLogger”:"/usr/local/lib/node_modules/deviceconsole/deviceconsole",“platformVersion”:“10.1”,“bundleId”:“com.dishnetwork.DANY-Mobile”,“automationName”:“XCUITest”,“xcodeConfigFile”:"/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Config.xcconfig",“udid”:“5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1”,“platformName”:“iOS”,“deviceName”:“iPad”},null,null,null,null]
[Appium] Creating new XCUITestDriver session
[Appium] Capabilities:
[Appium] app: ‘/Users/slinger/Desktop/Dish-iPad.app’
[Appium] showIOSLog: true
[Appium] newCommandTimeout: 480000
[Appium] realDeviceLogger: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/deviceconsole/deviceconsole’
[Appium] platformVersion: ‘10.1’
[Appium] bundleId: ‘com.dishnetwork.DANY-Mobile’
[Appium] automationName: ‘XCUITest’
[Appium] xcodeConfigFile: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Config.xcconfig’
[Appium] udid: ‘5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1’
[Appium] platformName: ‘iOS’
[Appium] deviceName: ‘iPad’
[debug] [XCUITest] XCUITestDriver version: 2.4.0
[BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 71ed185c-2527-47c7-aed5-5d9f6f9108be
[debug] [XCUITest] Xcode version set to ‘8.1’
[debug] [XCUITest] iOS SDK Version set to ‘10.1’
[debug] [XCUITest] Available devices: 5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1
[debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid 5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1
[XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: ‘5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1’, real device: true
[BaseDriver] Using local app ‘/Users/slinger/Desktop/Dish-iPad.app’
[debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app ‘/Users/slinger/Desktop/Dish-iPad.app’ is actually present
[debug] [XCUITest] App is present
[debug] [iOSLog] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog
[debug] [iOSLog] Found idevicesyslog: ‘/usr/local/bin/idevicesyslog’
[XCUITest] Setting up real device
[debug] [XCUITest] App is already installed.
[debug] [XCUITest] Full reset not requested. No need to install.
[XCUITest] Using WDA path: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent’
[XCUITest] Using WDA agent: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj’
[XCUITest] Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
[debug] [XCUITest] Carthage found: /usr/local/bin/carthage
[debug] [XCUITest] Killing hanging processes
[debug] [XCUITest] Using real device logger ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/deviceconsole/deviceconsole’
[debug] [XCUITest] Using Xcode configuration file: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Config.xcconfig’
[debug] [XCUITest] Beginning test with command ‘xcodebuild build test -project /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=5f600d43c40ec128b7fba65f13da3ed491b656c1 -configuration Debug -xcconfig /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/Config.xcconfig’ in directory ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent’
[XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent to start on device
[debug] [XCUITest] Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/slinger/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-brdadhpuduowllgivnnvuygpwhzy/Logs/Test/246988DD-9806-4D5D-879F-76AC7888C4AC/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2016-12-10_161034-NdLlPV.log
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting for WebDriverAgent server to finish loading…
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : CCDS: requirements DASActivityProperties (null)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : activity [0x100392c00]: poolPriority 650
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : activity [0x100392c00] submitted to pool NSURLSessionBackgroundPoolName
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(DuetActivityScheduler)[114] : SUBMITTING:
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : TIC [0x100449130]: DAS scheduler submitted activity 0x100392c00
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(DuetActivityScheduler)[114] : STARTING:
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 19: connect_callback: Adding FD for uid 501
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : TIC [0x100449130]: activity 0x100392c00 start handler called
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 19: DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID114
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : TIC TCP Conn Start [1257:0x100449130]
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 19: Result code socket 21 created 00000000 00000001
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_endpoint_handler_start [1229 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 initial path (null)]
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 19: DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(4008D000, 0, 3, api-aka.smoot.apple.com.) START PID0
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1229 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 initial path (null)] reported event path:start
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GetServerForQuestion: 000000012280FE40 DNS server (0000000121F070A0) (Penalty Time Left 47547) (Scope None:0000000000000000:-1) found for name api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1229 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 waiting path (satisfied)] reported event path:satisfied
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : InitDNSConfig: question 000000012280FE40 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA) Timeout 30, DNS Server
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1229 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 waiting path (satisfied)] skipping state update
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for api-aka.smoot.apple.com., qtype AAAA, since DNS Configuration does not allow (req_A is true and req_AAAA is false)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1229 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event resolver:start_dns
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GetServerForQuestion: 000000012280FAC8 DNS server (0000000121F070A0) (Penalty Time Left 47546) (Scope None:0000000000000000:-1) found for name api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : InitDNSConfig: question 000000012280FAC8 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr) Timeout 30, DNS Server
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query not suppressed for api-aka.smoot.apple.com., qtype Addr, DNSServer . allows A queries
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 19: Result code socket 21 closed 00000000 00000001 (0)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : queryrecord_result_callback: Suppressed question api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 19: DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(api-aka.smoot.apple.com., AAAA) ADD 0 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. AAAA
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : – Sent UDP DNS Query (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD ID: 8351 29 bytes from port 56179 to –
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 1 Questions
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. Addr
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Answers
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Authorities
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Additionals
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : --------------
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad nsurlsessiond[114] : Task 234 for client is waiting for connection - reason: 10000
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:28 iPad awdd[83] : life:#I 3 activities remaining:
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : – Sent UDP DNS Query (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD ID: 8351 29 bytes from port 56179 to –
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 1 Questions
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. Addr
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Answers
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Authorities
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Additionals
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : --------------
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : CCDS: requirements DASActivityProperties (null)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : activity [0x100436580]: poolPriority 650
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : activity [0x100436580] submitted to pool NSURLSessionBackgroundPoolName
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(DuetActivityScheduler)[114] : SUBMITTING:
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : TIC [0x100396a60]: DAS scheduler submitted activity 0x100436580
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad DuetHeuristic-BM(DuetActivitySchedulerDaemon)[117] :
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(DuetActivityScheduler)[114] : STARTING:
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : TIC [0x100396a60]: activity 0x100436580 start handler called
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 23: connect_callback: Adding FD for uid 501
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 23: DNSServiceCreateDelegateConnection START PID114
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(CFNetwork)[114] : TIC TCP Conn Start [1258:0x100396a60]
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_endpoint_handler_start [1230 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 initial path (null)]
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1230 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 initial path (null)] reported event path:start
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1230 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 waiting path (satisfied)] reported event path:satisfied
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1230 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 waiting path (satisfied)] skipping state update
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond(libsystem_network.dylib)[114] : nw_connection_endpoint_report [1230 api-aka.smoot.apple.com:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied)] reported event resolver:start_dns
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 23: Result code socket 24 created 00000000 00000001
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 23: DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(4008D000, 0, 3, api-aka.smoot.apple.com.) START PID0
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GetServerForQuestion: 000000012300EA40 DNS server (0000000121F070A0) (Penalty Time Left 46465) (Scope None:0000000000000000:-1) found for name api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : InitDNSConfig: question 000000012300EA40 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA) Timeout 30, DNS Server
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for api-aka.smoot.apple.com., qtype AAAA, since DNS Configuration does not allow (req_A is true and req_AAAA is false)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : FinalizeUnicastQuestion: Duplicate question 000000012300EA40 (000000012280FE40) api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA), DNS Server
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GetServerForQuestion: 000000012300E6C8 DNS server (0000000121F070A0) (Penalty Time Left 46465) (Scope None:0000000000000000:-1) found for name api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : InitDNSConfig: question 000000012300E6C8 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr) Timeout 30, DNS Server
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query not suppressed for api-aka.smoot.apple.com., qtype Addr, DNSServer . allows A queries
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : FinalizeUnicastQuestion: Duplicate question 000000012300E6C8 (000000012280FAC8) api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr), DNS Server
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 23: Result code socket 24 closed 00000000 00000001 (0)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : queryrecord_result_callback: Suppressed question api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (AAAA)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad nsurlsessiond[114] : Task 235 for client is waiting for connection - reason: 10000
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:29 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 23: DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(api-aka.smoot.apple.com., AAAA) ADD 0 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. AAAA
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : uDNS_CheckCurrentQuestion: Sent 2 unanswered queries for api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr) to (.)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : PenalizeDNSServer: Penalizing DNS server question for question 000000012280FAC8 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr) SuppressUnusable 1
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : PenalizeDNSServer: Strict Unicast Ordering is FALSE
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : PenalizeDNSServer: Penalizing question type 1
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GetServerForQuestion: 000000012280FAC8 no DNS server (Scope None:0000000000000000:-1) found for name api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : PenalizeDNSServer: Server for 000000012280FAC8, api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr) changed to NULL, Interval 2000
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : GetServerForQuestion: 000000012280FAC8 DNS server (0000000121F070A0) (Penalty Time Left 60000) (Scope None:0000000000000000:-1) found for name api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr)
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : uDNS_checkCurrentQuestion: Retrying question 000000012280FAC8 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. (Addr) DNS Server ThisQInterval 2000
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : – Sent UDP DNS Query (flags 0100) RCODE: NoErr (0) RD ID: 8351 29 bytes from port 56179 to –
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 1 Questions
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 api-aka.smoot.apple.com. Addr
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Answers
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Authorities
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : 0 Additionals
[iOSLog] [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW] Dec 10 16:10:31 iPad mDNSResponder[91] : --------------

I solved this problem by using JS cuz my APP is a webview APP. Also u can use js to do scroll if urs APP is webview APP too.

BTW, I heard that Appium 1.6.1 supports gesture but I have not update to, u can have a try if 1.6.1 works OK, and much appreciated if u can let me know.