Swipe on M1 Mac

Hi ,Team.
I’m trying to start our tests on new M1 mac Mini, and i have some troubles with swipe.
We have

  • mac Mini with m1 and BigSur OS
  • 15.14 node js
  • 1.21.0 appium
  • test on Python
  • Xcode 12.2 and Simulator (iPhone 8 14.2) launched with Rosetta
    When i launch test on old mac mini with same presets, but without m1, i have no problems with swipe - lists are scrolling, bottom menu hiding and so on, but mac with m1 make same actions a little bit different. Bottom menu ignores all swipes, horisontal swipe on list work like a click on element…
    I tried all types of swipe: driver.swipe, TouchAction, through execute_script…
    I found some thread on stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65179721/ios-simulator-not-scrolling-properly-m1-react-native-project but it doesn’t work for me.
    Maybe you got some common solutions?