Switching to Third party Web View on which we do not have control


I am using appium and facing below issue because of which I am not able to proceed, please help

  1. From my aplication I click on Buy button
  2. Then I navigate to Payment Gateway which has developed in WebView,
  3. I am using GetContext method of android driver but only one context “NATIVE_APP” I am getting,
  4. Developers are saying they do not have any control on the 3rd party page they can’t set setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled = true
  5. So could you please help me with above issue how to proceed

Thanks in advance

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setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled should be a static method that affects 3rd party webviews as well, so double check with your developers if they really can’t use that method. That’s about all the advice I can give. :S