TestCases not running on terminal, Maven - Appium issue

I have my project on Eclipse and it’s working fine. I can run my test cases from Eclipse, but when I try to run the testcases from terminal using mvn, I got this error>
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/ContextAware

Am I missing something?
My pom includes:



Error is pointing to the line where the driver is initialized>

wd = new AppiumDriver(new URL(“”), capabilities);

@jlipps I found some issue related to this on older posts on the google group, but with broken links to github … is there anything new related to this issue?

I found out this was an error on my Maven m2e folder
Since Eclipse was finding the libs, but maven wasn’t I deleted the .m2/repository/seleniumhq folder thinking that due to the dependencies specified on the pom file it will download my stuff again, but it didn’t. 3 subfolders were missing: selenium api, selemium remote driver, selenium support.
I added those on the pom and that made the trick. (for instance)


Maybe I was wrong thinking that selenium-java dependency will include it all