Testing geolocation

Our application restricts usage outside of our country. We’re currently looking at running our tests through App Center since our code repos are in Azure. Unfortunately, App Center devices are located in Europe and have dynamic IP addresses, so we can’t just whitelist them.

To get around this, I added code in our test setup to set the location to our coordinates.
driver.setLocation(new Location(14.639992, 121.037487, 10)); // latitude, longitude, altitude);
Log.info("lat: {}, long: {}", driver.location().getLatitude(), driver.location().getLongitude());

Strangely, when running on our local, the printed out coordinates are for the Google office in San Jose. However, when running through App Center and looking at our logs, the correct coordinates are returned; sadly, our app still displays our error that the app is being accessed outside of the country.

Any other workarounds possible?

you should ask them for support