The issue of appium Android widgets/elements from WebView without any context switching

I found that the widgets/elements in WebView are visible in appium inspector. Even, I can automate these widgets.
but the only issue is that the these widgets/elements are not stable. That means, somethings we can see them and automate them, but sometimes, there is no these widgets/elements at all.

Here, don’t talk about context switch, that’s another topic, because you cannot turn on the debug switcher to switch the context if you have no source code. Or non-chrome WebView etc., more troubles. So, that’s better if we can do it without any context switch, right?

So, some questions here:

  1. Any document talking about something about the widgets mapped from WebView widgets even without any context switching? like android version to support this feature? the mechanism under the cover, etc.
  2. How to make the mapping stable? For some webpages, at most time, we can see these widgets by inspector, but for some webpages, at most time, we cannot. Weird?

Thanks for any hints