[TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined] Error on 'Doctor' button


Pardon my ignorance, a newbie - trying to install appium for iOS!

I installed appium 1.5.3 on Mac Sierra 10.12.2! On Launching Doctor got an error - cant find macOS.
Fixed that error using below stackoverflow link -

However now getting another error on launching doctor saying -

info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: Xcode is installed at: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: DevToolsSecurity is enabled.
info AppiumDoctor :heavy_check_mark: The Authorization DB is set up properly.
**[TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined] .

Can you guys help with the same?

Try 1.6.4 with OS X Sierra.

How do I install 1.6.4?
cant seem to find its dmg file!

thanks wreed! that helped!

I am getting same error on Appium v1.13 on Mac OS. could someone help me out