Un-install 3rd party app

Please let me know How can i un-install 3rd party app by using Appium script and find below steps for your reference.

  1. Install 3rd party app
  2. open Main mane and long press on 3rd party app
  3. Drag to “Un-install”

here I’m not able to drag “un-install” location

please help me on this…

I think there is no support from Appium. SO that I’m converitng into Feature.


Please support , how to handle Un-install app from main menu.


You need to file an issue on git if you want the appium developers to consider it.


With your steps,it is almost no.

Well you can use adb uninstall command if your basic requirement is to remove that application with below command
adb uninstall your-3rd-party-app-package