Unabale to launch appium from desired capability specified

Hi All…

Iam facing an issue on my new project where the appium fails to launch app in the device with the desired capability specified…

Please look in to the attched screen shot. As per the Developer of this app, the launch activity is Splash Activity. but app is not launching and throwing a messages says 'Activity used to start app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity)
i tried with Main activity as well, but still getting the same issue

please see the attached screen shot on same.

Appreciate for your help.

Umesh Narayanan A V

Which Appium version are you using? and what is the error message that you are getting can you paste the logs as well.

can you please post the error you are getting

Hi… @crujzo , @upendraupadhyay
sorry for the delay to replay… that issue got fixed … by mistake , i inputed the activity defined for prod build… thanks for looking in to the issue… right now iam facing issue in getting camera snap shot using the android method such as
"String cmd =“adb shell input keyevent 27”;
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); "
or driver.press_keycode (27)
i found some other method suggested as using driver.sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KeyCOde_Camera) but that not acceble in my code…
can any one help me if there any solution to automate the camera in android device

appreciate for your support