Unable to access the hybrid app & elements

I am a new to Protractor & Appium and i am testing a SPA application built in Cordova framework.

Setup - Protractor + Cucumber + Appium

I am trying to run a simple test to start the app on tablet and click on one of the elements. I can see that the application starts and apart from that nothing happens. I suspect a problem with my step definition implementation. Appreciate any suggestions.

config file

“use strict”;

exports.config = {
framework: ‘custom’,
frameworkPath: require.resolve(‘protractor-cucumber-framework’),

seleniumAddress: ‘http://localhost:4723/wd/hub’,
specs: [’./features/basictest.feature’],

capabilities: {
automationName: ‘Appium’,
platformName: ‘Android’,
platformVersion: ‘6.0’,
deviceName: ‘CB5A27TUE7’,
//app: ‘’,
appPackage: ‘com.example.test.uat’,
appActivity: ‘com.example.test.uat.MainActivity’,
browserName: ‘’,
autoWebview: true,
orientation: ‘LANDSCAPE’

baseUrl: ‘’,

cucumberOpts: {
require: [
format: ‘pretty’

allScriptsTimeout: 20000,

// configuring wd in onPrepare
onPrepare: function(){
var wd = require(‘wd’),
protractor = require(‘protractor’),
wdBridge = require(‘wd-bridge’)(protractor, wd),
_ = require(‘underscore’);


‘use strict’;

var chai = require(‘chai’);
var chaiAsPromised = require(‘chai-as-promised’);
var expect = chai.expect;

var wd = require(“wd”),
_ = require(‘underscore’);

var driver;

module.exports = function () {
this.Before(function (scenario) {
driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(‘http://localhost:4723/wd/hub’);
return driver.init();

this.After(function (scenario) {

this.Given(/^i am on TA$/, function() {
    return driver
		.then(function (ctxs) {
			return driver.context(ctxs[ctxs.length - 1]);

this.When(/^I click Events button$/, function(callback) {
    callback(null, 'pending');

this.Then(/^my event cards are displayed$/, function(callback) {
    callback(null, 'pending');
