Unable to automate the dynamic elements in the pop-up window in android Webviews

I’m facing one issue. In my test hybrid application(WebViews), I can’t find/access the element in the pop window(Dynamic functionality coded in javascript(js) I guess, but I’m not sure). How to select the item/navigate to that screen??

When I click the item field button, It will open some pop-window. In that, I have to select the item in the list.
I’m able to access the element of that button. But not that pop-windows.

Generally, How to access the elements which is coded in javascript in webviews?
If you found any discrepancies in my point, please suggest/provide resolution to myself.

I’m using android OS: 4.4.2, real device - LG Optimus
Appium v-1.3.1

Use JS or jQuery directly using execute script method to work with these pop-up windows.

I have used the JS directly for access. Now its working fine.