Unable to get the locators of Android Hybrid Application in some devices


I am automating Android Hybrid Application using Appium, while working I am getting the Id’s from UIA Automator viewer. But I am not getting some of the Id’s in one device and some of the Id’s not getting in another device, what is the reason both the devices are having same android version. And also I have verified in Emulator. Is there any version dependency to get the Id’s from UIA automator viewer. Could any one please help on this issue. I am attaching both the device screenshots and Working environment.

Thank you.

if it is an Hybrid App than use google chrome to get Locators
Chrome://inspect/device# …
Use this to get Locators because UI Automator is not capable for WebView

Yes I agree but we can able to capture native view elements, here my cocern is in one device it is able to capture and if I tried with different device it is not capturing as shown in 2 device screenshots.

Thank you.