Unable to launch Appium iPhone simulator using Appium 2.2.1

I am new in mobile app automation testing. When I try to launch Appium iphone simulator by command “sudo npx nightwatch ./nightwatch/examples/mobile-app-tests/wikipedia-ios.js --env app.ios.simulator”, Im getting the folllowing error

An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The simulator FFB6D06D-1C2F-43EE-BCA9-B3064291A467 has failed to finish booting after 120s. Original status: Monitoring boot status for appiumTest-C74DCC06-EF7B-44B7-AFA7-E71333E457FC-iPhone 13 (FFB6D06D-1C2F-43EE-BCA9-B3064291A467).\n’ +
‘[2023-11-07 15:21:49 +0000] Status=2, isTerminal=NO, Elapsed=00:03.\n’ +
‘\tWaiting on Data Migration\n’ +
‘\t\tReason:Running plugin com.apple.-0LaunchServicesMigrator (00LaunchServicesMigrator.migrator, user-agnostic)\n’ +
‘\t\tMigration Elapsed:00:00 seconds\n’ +
‘\n’ +
‘[2023-11-07 15:21:49 +0000] Status=2, isTerminal=NO, Elapsed=00:03.\n’ +
‘\tWaiting on Data Migration\n’ +
‘\t\tReason:Running plugin com.apple.-0LaunchServicesMigrator (00LaunchServicesMigrator.migrator, user-agnostic)\n’ +
‘\t\tMigration Elapsed:00:00 seconds\n’ +

here are the capabilities in nightwatch.config.js

appium version Version 2.2.1
Xcode version : Version 15.0.1
MACOS : Sonoma version. 14.1 (23B74)
appium-uiautomator2-driver : 2.33.1
appium-xcuitest-driver : 5.8.1
nightwatch : 3.2.1

module.exports = {
// An array of folders (excluding subfolders) where your tests are located;
// if this is not specified, the test source must be passed as the second argument to the test runner.
src_folders: [‘test’,‘nightwatch/examples’],

page_objects_path: [],

custom_commands_path: [],

custom_assertions_path: [],

plugins: [],

globals_path: ‘’,

webdriver: {},

test_workers: {
enabled: false

test_settings: {
default: {
disable_error_log: false,
launch_url: ‘’,

  screenshots: {
    enabled: false,
    path: 'screens',
    on_failure: true

  desiredCapabilities: {
    browserName: ''
  webdriver: {
    start_process: true,
    server_path: ''

app: {
  selenium: {
    start_process: true,
    use_appium: true,
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 4724,
    server_path: '',
    // args to pass when starting the Appium server
    cli_args: [
      // automatically download the required chromedriver
      // '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload'
    // Remove below line if using Appium v1
    default_path_prefix: ''
  webdriver: {
    timeout_options: {
      timeout: 0,
      retry_attempts: 1
    keep_alive: false,
    start_process: false

'app.android.emulator': {
  extends: 'app',
  'desiredCapabilities': {
    browserName: null,
    platformName: 'android',
    // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
    // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
    // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
    'appium:options': {
      automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
      // Android Virtual Device to run tests on
      avd: 'nightwatch-android-11',
      // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
      // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
      app: `${__dirname}/nightwatch/sample-apps/wikipedia.apk`,
      appPackage: 'org.wikipedia',
      appActivity: 'org.wikipedia.main.MainActivity',
      appWaitActivity: 'org.wikipedia.onboarding.InitialOnboardingActivity',
      // chromedriver executable to use for testing web-views in hybrid apps
      chromedriverExecutable: `${__dirname}/chromedriver-mobile/chromedriver`,
      newCommandTimeout: 0

'app.android.real': {
  extends: 'app',
  'desiredCapabilities': {
    browserName: null,
    platformName: 'android',
    // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
    // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
    // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
    'appium:options': {
      automationName: 'UiAutomator2',
      // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
      // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
      app: `${__dirname}/nightwatch/sample-apps/wikipedia.apk`,
      appPackage: 'org.wikipedia',
      appActivity: 'org.wikipedia.main.MainActivity',
      appWaitActivity: 'org.wikipedia.onboarding.InitialOnboardingActivity',
      // 'chromedriver' binary is required while testing hybrid mobile apps.
      // Set `chromedriverExecutable` to '' to use binary from `chromedriver` NPM package (if installed).
      // Or, put '--allow-insecure=chromedriver_autodownload' in `cli_args` property of `selenium`
      // config (see 'app' env above) to automatically download the required version of chromedriver
      // (delete `chromedriverExecutable` capability below in that case).
      chromedriverExecutable: '',
      newCommandTimeout: 0,
      // add device id of the device to run tests on, if multiple devices are online
      // Run command: `$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb devices` to get all connected devices
      // udid: '',

'app.ios.simulator': {
  extends: 'app',
  'desiredCapabilities': {
    browserName: null,
    platformName: 'iOS',
    // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
    // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
    // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
    'appium:options': {
      automationName: 'XCUITest',
      platformVersion: '17.0',
      deviceName: 'iPhone 13',
      // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
      // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
      app: `${__dirname}/nightwatch/sample-apps/wikipedia.zip`,
      bundleId: 'org.wikimedia.wikipedia',
      newCommandTimeout: 0

'app.ios.real': {
  extends: 'app',
  'desiredCapabilities': {
    browserName: null,
    platformName: 'ios',
    // `appium:options` is not natively supported in Appium v1, but works with Nightwatch.
    // If copying these capabilities elsewhere while using Appium v1, make sure to remove `appium:options`
    // and add `appium:` prefix to each one of its capabilities, e.g. change 'app' to 'appium:app'.
    'appium:options': {
      automationName: 'XCUITest',
      // While Appium v1 supports relative paths, it's more safe to use absolute paths instead.
      // Appium v2 does not support relative paths.
      app: `${__dirname}/nightwatch/sample-apps/wikipedia.zip`,
      bundleId: 'org.wikimedia.wikipedia',
      newCommandTimeout: 0,
      // add udid of the device to run tests on. Or, pass the id to `--deviceId` flag when running tests.
      // device id could be retrieved from Xcode > Window > "Devices and Simulators" window.
      // udid: '00008030-00024C2C3453402E'


usage_analytics: {
enabled: true,
log_path: ‘./logs/analytics’,
client_id: ‘10dc2889-5857-41b0-bd94-ccc1ec6c5df5’
