Unable to Launch application using Appium

While we are login into application manually it is working fine but if we trying to launch with appium after entering the credentials it throws an error :

Appium version : 2.1.3
Node version : 20.8.0
Npm version : 10.2.0
Xcode : 15
macOS version : 13.5
Device iOS version : 14.8 and 16 and 17

Below is the error logs :

ErrorLogs.txt (2.0 KB)

2)On second Mac we are trying with appium version 1.12.1 because every time we got an error like "[Error: iproxy exited with code ‘234’]"

Appium version : 1.12.1
Node version : 14.21.3
Npm version : 6.14.18
Xcode : 14.2
macOS version : 12.6
Device iOS version : 14.6

@aleksei could you please give your outputs on this ?

@Krushant_Surhar :- Even i had faced this with the latest Appium version as well. however i am able to launch same app on another mac with same Appium ,node and npm version… we got stuck to the login . Can someone help us to get this fixed that would be really helpful.

add more details. did not meet this error.

  • you installed appium with npm ?
  • you start appium in code with appium service builder?
  • enable appium server debug logs and read them. what exactly command fails and error.