Unable to launch application with appium using Samsung S6 device

Unable to launch application with appium using Samsung S6 device,

Hi i am trying to launch my application for android Samsung S6 device, inspector is still loading continuously (in my MAC)

“Inspector is still loading continuously (in my Mac)” - Does that mean the app is launching on an emulator instead of your phone? Does your S6 show up when doing a “adb devices” command? If so, have you entered the correct Device Name (as seen from “adb devices”) and checked the box for it?

Also have you enabled USB debugging under the development options on the phone?

Thanks for reply @Cauthon ,yes i have enabled USB debugging but it is still loading…@Cauthon

Thanks for reply @leppo… yes ,i have entered correct Device name …Version-6.0.1@@leppo

Are you supplying the device udid in your capabilities?

yeah i am working on android @Cauthon, using bundleID