Unable to launch safari browser using appium 1.3.1 and 1.3.4

I tried following this

Create a new provisioning profile with a wildcard app ID and that contains the device that you want to test on.
Download the provisioning profile and double click on it to add it to Xcode.
Download safarilauncher from git at https://github.com/budhash/SafariLauncher170
Open the SafariLauncher.xcodeproj downloaded from git in xcode and make sure you set your Build Settings correctly. This means setting the Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile to the one you just uploaded to xcode.
Run the build script found on the safari launcher git repo from the terminal https://github.com/budhash/SafariLauncher/blob/master/build.sh143
This will generate a safarilauncher.zip
Find the following folder in the location where Appium is installed node_modules/appium/build/SafariLauncher and replace the safarilauncher.zip file with the one you created
now make sure you have the ios_webkit_debug_proxy installed and launched from the terminal with the following command ios_webkit_debug_proxy -d -c Your Device’s UDID:27753
Now you should be able to run your tests assuming you’ve set your capabilities and appium settings correctly.

but facing

error: Could not prepare mobile safari: Error: Couldn’t find built in app in its home or temp dir!

can anyone help me out of this
Thanks in advance …