Unable to scroll in Android using Appium 1.3.3. + Python

@mitsram @Rashmi @jonas @bootstraponline
Please help me how to scroll using Appium 1.3.3.+ Python, Below that tried for scrolling in Android

self.driver.scroll(205, 500, 206, 1540, 800)
self.driver.swipe(205, 500, 206, 1540, 800)
el2 = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(‘Origin’)
el3 = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(‘destination’)
self.driver.scroll(el3, el2) and self.driver.scroll(el2, el3)
self.driver.execute_script(“mobile: swipe”, {“touchCount”: 1 , “startX”: 647, “startY”: 1747, “endX”: 626, “endY”: 1487, “duration”: 0.5 })


did you find any workaround for this ? I am facing the same on Appium 1.3.7 for an Android native App

self.driver.swipe(205, 500, 206, 1540, 800)

its working on iOS , But android its very hard to handle scroll using Appium + Python

Add a logic to check if the element is present after each swipe.