Unable to Scroll/Select in Date and Time Picker/ticker/wheel

I am new to appium. I am trying to Change the Date and time based on different criteria.

Platform : Android

Device : Moto E 2nd Gen

AUT type: Native Application

Appium version : Java-Client 3.2.0

Following are the things that were tried out.


  1. driver.scrollTo(“AM”);

  2. String ScrollCommand = “new UiScrollable(”+
    “new UiSelector().className(“android.widget.RelativeLayout”)” +
    “.childSelector(new UiSelector().className(“android.widget.RelativeLayout”))” +
    “.childSelector(new UiSelector().className(“android.widget.LinearLayout”))” +
    “.childSelector(new UiSelector().className(“android.widget.LinearLayout”))” +
    “.childSelector(new UiSelector().index (3))+” +

I am unable to scroll or select date/time/meridiem.

Please provide help/guidelines/approach to come out from this issue.