Unable to scroll upto last element in list


Scroll function is not scrolling to the last element in the list. There are more than 200 elements in the list. How can we do this???

Hi @Deepa_S

Could you please post your code here

also try to use scroolToExact(String name) method


I used both scroll(“element_name”) and scrollToExact(“element_name”). It works if the list is small but not for long list.

can you post your code here

driver.scroll(“element_name”); and driver.scrollToExact(“element_name”);

1.What is the device you are using (andorid/ios)?
2.how much implicit wait you are using

Android… I have given 30 seconds… I depends on implicit wait time?

I increased the implicit wait time but still it is not working

In latest versions of java bindings for appium. scrollToExact method will navigate to until last element and then scroll back to first elemetn finally it will navigate to the required element

As you said the list is very long in your app may be that cause the issue

BTW what’s the exception you are getting

scrollTo functions may not work with webview contexts, which context the list has?


The list has MobileView context.