Unable to select element, UI automatorviewer is attached.
There are only few values displayed. How can I get appium java code to select this item on the display? I have tried everything I feel like.
Thank you.
Unable to select element, UI automatorviewer is attached.
There are only few values displayed. How can I get appium java code to select this item on the display? I have tried everything I feel like.
Thank you.
Since you have a value for content-desc, you can find the element by “name”, which searches both text and content-desc, only if you know the expected value. Given that you have a timestamp in there, I suspect you don’t, in which case you will need to use xpath to find it.
Thank you and you are right. I will need to find by content description. One thing is only static value in the description is alarm. Also, I have never used xpath to find element by partial text. Is this feasible? Thanks again…
BTW, I have tried to findelement by name and could not get it to work with just “alarm”.
Xpath supports Regular Expressions, that should allow you to find partial text.
You can find elements by xpath by partial text.
If you want to find your element by name, you will need to write a bit of your own code to do so. Look at Appium’s java implementation on github and you will find this method:
public RequiredElementType scrollTo(String text) {
String uiScrollables = UiScrollable(“new UiSelector().descriptionContains(”" + text + “”)") +
UiScrollable(“new UiSelector().textContains(”" + text + “”)");
return findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(uiScrollables);
This shows you how you can find elements that contain a particular text. This implementation, though is for scrollTo, and you want findElement. If you don’t want to write UIAutomator code, then you can look at some xpath tutorials online.