Unable to Switch focus to Phone Gap InApp Browser from the current Application

I am working on a Hybrid Application built on Phone Gap.
After opening the Application, I can find two different Context in the App (i.e., NATIVE_APP, WEBVIEW_…)
I switched to Webview Context and my test works as intended.
There is an external link in the Application which opens a WebApp in PhoneGap InApp Browser (Browser popup runs internally on the Application).
In the Chrome://inspect screen, now I can see two different Browser tabs under a WebView.

My Test runs properly in the WELCOME tab and when the external URL Primary opens in InApp browser my test fails.
Getting the Contexthandles() shows only the contexts shown in the beginning.
The error I am getting is ‘Unable to locate an element with the xpath expression’.
Could someone please help me on how to switch over from one tab to another tab.

Thanks in Advance