Unable to tap uiabutton under uiactionsheet in appium 1.3.3

I am trying to perform tap event on a UIAButton element which is inside a UIActionSheet element.

The Appium server is unable to perform the action.

Appium Verion : 1.3.3
XCode Version : 6.1.1
Device: iPhone Simulator (iOS 8.1)

I have also tried performing the tap using javascript executor with no success

Java Code:

WebElement btnInstall = mobiledriver.findElementByIosUIAutomation("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().actionSheet().elements()[1].elements()[0].elements()[0]");
Map<String, Object> tapOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
tapOptions.put("x", (double)btnInstall.getLocation().x);
tapOptions.put("y", (double)btnInstall.getLocation().y);
tapOptions.put("element", ((RemoteWebElement)btnInstall).getId());
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)mobiledriver;
js.executeScript("mobile: tap", tapOptions);

There are no Errors in the Appium Server logs, the button is
successfully found and the Tap seems to be performed, But the appium
server, i guess is not returning back any response nor is the screen on
the simulator is updated with the button click and is not going to the
next screen.

Attached are the appium-server-logs
Appium-Server-Logs.txt (7.1 KB)

Below is the output of logElementTree() for the frontMostApp

UIAApplication "Settings" {{0, 20}, {375, 647}}
elements: {
UIAWindow "(null)" {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}
elements: {
UIANavigationBar "Warning" {{0, 20}, {375, 44}}
elements: {
UIAImage "(null)" {{0, 0}, {375, 64}}
elements: {
UIAImage "(null)" {{0, 64}, {375, 0.5}}
UIAButton "Cancel" {{8, 28}, {54, 30}}
UIAButton "Back" {{8, 31.5}, {21, 21}}
UIAStaticText "Warning" {{155, 28}, {65, 27}}
UIAButton "Install" {{320, 28}, {47, 30}}
UIATableView "(null)" {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}
elements: {
UIATableGroup "Unsigned Profile" {{0, 64}, {375, 55.5}}
elements: {
UIAStaticText "Unsigned Profile" {{0, 64}, {375, 55.5}}
UIATableCell "The profile is not signed." {{0, 119.5}, {375, 41}}
elements: {
UIAStaticText "The profile is not signed." {{10, 129.5}, {355, 20.5}}
UIAActionSheet "(null)" {{8, 563}, {359, 96}}
elements: {
UIAScrollView "(null)" {{8, 563}, {359, 0}}
elements: {
UIAImage "(null)" {{8, 560.5}, {359, 2.5}}
UIAStaticText "(null)" {{24, 0}, {327, 0}}
UIAStaticText "(null)" {{24, 0}, {327, 0}}
UIAImage "(null)" {{364.5, 1127}, {2.5, 7}}
UIACollectionView "(null)" {{8, 563}, {359, 44}}
elements: {
UIACollectionCell "Install" {{8, 563}, {359, 44}}
elements: {
UIAButton "Install" {{8, 563}, {359, 44}}
UIAButton "Cancel" {{8, 615}, {359, 44}}
UIAWindow "(null)" {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}
UIAWindow "(null)" {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}
elements: {
UIAStatusBar "(null)" {{0, 0}, {375, 20}}
elements: {
UIAElement "Swipe down with three fingers to reveal the notification center., Swipe up with three fingers to reveal the control center, Double-tap to scroll to top" {{6, 0}, {38, 20}}
UIAElement "3 of 3 Wi-Fi bars" {{49, 0}, {13, 20}}
UIAElement "11:59 PM" {{162, 0}, {51, 20}}
UIAElement "100% battery power" {{345, 0}, {25, 20}}

The UIAButton which i am trying to Tap is the Install Button present under UIACollectionCell “Install”

Below are a few more options that I had tried out without any success yet:

Java Code:

MobileElement btnInstall = (MobileElement)mobiledriver.findElementByIosUIAutomation("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().actionSheet().elements()[1].elements()[0].elements()[0]");
btnInstall.tap(1, 1); // tap(int fingers, int duration)

appium-server-logs for the above attempt,
appium-server-log(MobileElement.Touch).txt (5.9 KB)

Java Code:

WebElement btnInstall = mobiledriver.findElementByIosUIAutomation("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().actionSheet().elements()[1].elements()[0].elements()[0]");
new TouchAction(mobiledriver)

appium-server-logs for the above,
appium-server-logs(new_TouchAction).txt (4.8 KB)

Java Code:

MobileElement btnInstall = (MobileElement)mobiledriver.findElementByIosUIAutomation("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().actionSheet().elements()[1].elements()[0].elements()[0]");

appium-server-logs for the above,
appium-server-logs(MobileElement.click).txt (3.8 KB)

PSB the screenshot of the ActionSheet on which i am trying to click the Install button,

For Actionsheet this should work ---- UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().actionSheet()