Unable to toggle Location on/off in Android 7.0


1.Am not able to toggle On/Off Locations in Android 7.0 - Used device Samsung Galaxy J7 whereas in Andoid 6.0 - S6 Edge am able to toggle On/Off Locations.
Kindly provide Solution why we cant toggle on Android 7.0 and Above Versions.

With regards


adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed +gps
adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed +network


adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed -gps
adb shell settings put secure location_providers_allowed -network

Thanks @Telmo_Cardoso

Thankyou working fine in Android 7 and Android 6.

Hi Telmo,

Appium IOS 11.1,have to Sign In to app using facebook app and with Google plus. Am unable to inspect email and password within Facebook App as i can get only view.Kindly let me know solution.