Unable to trace to an element to find Xpath in Android mobile

I found execution of all my test cases on older build perfectly.Now on the new build my appium test cases on android real device is not clicking to a particular element.And also i am unable to trace to find the xpath either in the UIAutomator or Appium Inspector.Along with this attached, appium inspector and UIAutomator screenshot.Though i have xpath and id of the element it is not clicking and it is neither tracing to that element in the inspector.The element is at the bottom.The element name in the screenshot is USEVIDEO.
Can any one help me to find the reason?


You won’t be able to click it because “Clickable” attribute is set as false. But, you should be able to find element and read its “text” attribute to check playback time.

WebElement playBackTime = driver.findElement(By.id("time"));
System.out.println("Time : " + playBackTime.getAttribute("text"));

Hi Suman_Bala,
Thanks soo much for the reply.Problem is with the USEVIDEO button,which is at the right most bottom corner.Till last build my xpath code was clicking on it.For the latest build it is not clicking on this element and also i am unable to trace either in UIAutomator or Appium Inspector.
