Unable to use .xls file after editing in Macbook pro.Getting below error

Dec 08, 2016 5:37:24 PM com.github.genium_framework.appium.support.server.AppiumServer startServer
INFO: Server is starting…
Dec 08, 2016 5:37:24 PM com.github.genium_framework.appium.support.server.AppiumServer startServer
INFO: Server has been started successfully.
Appium Server Started
/Users/admin/Documents/workspace/NSDL/NSDL (1).ipa
2016-12-08 17:37:27,513 [main] INFO root - null | Unable to construct record instance | Unable to construct record instance
Dec 08, 2016 5:37:30 PM com.github.genium_framework.appium.support.server.AppiumServer stopServer
INFO: Stopping the server with the command: /bin/sh -c PID="$(lsof -i -P | pgrep -f node)";kill -9 $PID
Dec 08, 2016 5:37:31 PM com.github.genium_framework.appium.support.server.AppiumServer stopServer
INFO: Server stopping output:
Appium server Stopped

Even I am facing same issue.
Can anyone Please suggest a solution for this.