Hi. In my automatic tests, which are run using the appium and use real devices on testObject, there is an entry in the Cyrillic text field. In the capabilites, I add unicodeKeyboard: true and the language: ‘ru’. But the input does not work as expected. Example: instead of the “кириллица” text, something like “&VDoEARA…” is entered, etc. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to fix this?
My caps:
deviceName: “Motorola Moto X”,
platformVersion: ‘4’,
platformName: “Android”,
language: “ru”,
unicodeKeyboard: true,
name: “Motorola Moto X”,
autoGrantPermissions: “true”,
gpsEnabled: “true”,
fullReset: false,
testobject_api_key: ‘here_is_my_key’
Parts of code:
return await element.keys(my_data);
I tried also use type() and sendKeys() methods, same effect.
I new in this help me please!