Touch action class was working fine for me before but when i was running the code i am facing the below mentioned error
UnsupportedCommandException: Unhandled endpoint
I even tried it after uninstalling the webdriver agent and also clearing xcode cache.
But the still the result was same
TouchAction tapBreadcrumb = new TouchAction(driver);
tapBreadcrumb.tap(PointOption.point(20, 20)).perform().release();
I was able to resolve this issue by degrading the Webdriver agent to lower version instead of the latest version.
The tap functionality is removed in the latest version
you can upgrade both appium server and your client and use the Actions API instead.
just choose one…
to read:
In this blog we share automate gestures using W3 actions API in appium. Here we covered types of gestures, benefits, steps to automate.
Est. reading time: 5 minutes
to watch:
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Thank you ill look into this
@manoj_a I am also facing this error after upgrading from Appium V1 to V2.
Can you let us know which Webdriver agent version you are using
Also versions
@ido_oserovitz really appreciate these document link and youtube videos. I will perform the POC for the same and will let you know. Thank you once again !!
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@manoj_a touch actions deprecated now so you can’t use touch actions.
In place of touch action you can use action , perfromAction.
committed 10:02PM - 12 Feb 24 UTC
BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the following obsolete APIs:
- performTouch
- perform… MultiAction
I tried swipe functionality using W3C actions , it is working fine in cloud agents like saucelab and browserstack but not working fine in physical mobile device. please assist